The John Dearness Student Council works with students, parents and staff to help improve our school and ensure the JD is a great place to learn, have fun and belong!
Specifically the Council:
- Coordinates and encourages all student activities that are within the scope of the Council such as Sharing Assemblies, Spirit Days, Safe Schools, Community Giving Programs, Intramurals, student input for policies, procedures and various school initiatives.
- Works with the Administration in matters affecting the well-being of students.
- Encourages leadership through service to our students, our school and the community.
The Student Council is made up of Executive Council Members that are elected by the student body and Class Reps from grades three to eight. The Executive Council Members include President, Vice President, Sport Leader, Spirit Leader and Secretary/Treasurer.
Elections are held the last week of September of each school year. Stay tuned for more information.