The John Dearness School Council is comprised of elected or a slate of acclaimed volunteers from the parent community, school administration and teaching staff who work together to provide a better learning environment for students. The School Council often acts as a sounding board for the Principal, providing feedback that is taken into account when considering new initiatives which may impact school programming. By becoming involved in the School Council, you have an opportunity to become better informed about the school, the teaching staff, and upcoming events. You also have the opportunity to provide direct feedback on initiatives being considered by the school administration, thereby helping shape the programs the school offers to students.
Parents can participate on the JD School Council formally in an elected position (up to 12 parent members) or informally by attending meetings. All parents are invited to attend meetings and have an opportunity for input yet formal elected members have voting rights and hold executive positions.
All parents are welcome! Future meetings of the School Council will be posted on the calendar All School Council Meetings are held in the Library Learning Commons.