Our Staff

School Organization and Staff for 2024-2025

Principal - Ms. D. Woods

Secretary - Ms. C. McGregor

Kindergarten Year 1 & 2 - Mrs. J. Weir and Mrs. J. Park

Kindergarten Year 1 & 2 - Mrs. W. Torres and Ms. H. Rotsma

Gr. 1/2 - Ms. H. MacPhail

Gr. 1/2 - Mrs. K. Hicks

Gr. 2/3 - Mrs. L. Sims

Gr. 3/4 - Mrs. B. Adams

Gr. 3/4 - Mrs. K. Carter

Gr. 5/6 - Mrs. L. Ntantoulis

Gr. 5/6 - Mr. S. MacKay

Gr. 6/7 - Ms. N. Acton

Gr. 7/8 - Mr. D. Frank

Gr. 7/8 - Mr. F. Dallier

Library and Prep - Mr. R. Gale

Prep - Ms. C. Doyle

LST - Mrs. D. Willis

Music & French - Mrs. J. Worrall

ESL - Mr. M. Levy

Educational Assistants - Mrs. K. Branton

Noon Hour Supervisors:  Mrs. J. Hartman & Mrs. K. Rodney 

Charge Custodian - Mr. M. Scully

Afternoon Custodian - Mr. C. Wade

Speech & Language Pathologist - Mrs. J. Bossy

